German Films Values - Democracy & Plurality
Film as an expression of art and culture and as a medium is an important cornerstone of our liberal democracy and a mirror of our society. This mirror shows the plurality of our democracy. However, we currently see these two concepts - democracy and plurality - in crisis, also internationally.
Together with the organizations of the German film industry listed below, German Films is therefore using its presence abroad to strengthen the values of democracy and plurality and make them visible: We stand for the freedom and independence of the film industry in Germany.
With the label “For Democracy and Plurality” as our common mission statement, we would like to emphasize our values once again.
Following the lead of FilmFernsehFonds Bayern's initiative, the sticker was developed to represent this mission statement and will travel with German Films and some of our supporters and partners to all festivals and markets worldwide. #DemocracyAndPlurality
Come visit us at upcoming markets, like Marché du Cannes, and pick up your sticker!
Click here to download the sticker in English language (print pdf).
Click here to download the sticker in German language (print pdf).
The following partners support this mission statement: