Dear rights holder,
The Film Submission Management tool facilitates the submission of German productions for the various services offered by German Films. The system simplifies the submission of data, as each film entry must only be created once. The created film entry can be managed, edited and updated at any time. The created film entry can then be submitted for the various services offered.
Should you have any questions regarding the submission option, please contact the project manager listed in the submission information.
German Films publishes information regarding submission possibilities on a regular basis via email. To subscribe to this emailing list, please click here.
Please note that your session will expire 50 minutes after opening a new submission form document. To save your submitted data, please make sure to submit the completed form within this timeframe.
Please also make sure to use the latest version of your chosen internet browser. Old versions will cause problems and prevent you from submitting the film submission form or uploading files.
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